Sprint Championships in Zittau

April 29, 2023

At the start of the 31st Saxon-Bohemian Orienteering Days as well as the German Championships the sprint distance was on the program. In changeable conditions with some heavy rain events it went early Saturday morning to the qualification first in the former Zittau barracks area. The decision was then made in the afternoon or in the early evening hours in the center of Zittau.

Both competitions were characterized by a high running component with some route selection decisions. In the final, many age groups passed the marketplace on a visual route after 2/3 of the race. The final meters took the runners from the finish post in the courtyard of the town hall to the cheered finish line on the market square. In the elite classes Susen Lösch (USV Jena) won ahead of Emma Caspari (OL-Team Lippe) and Maren Guthier (OLV Steinberg) as well as Timon Lorenz (OLG Regensburg) ahead of Marek Pompe (SV Robotron Dresden) and Matthias Kretzschmar (Post SV Dresden).

After the German starters the Czech participants went on their tracks. As a supporting program, there was a very well-attended children's OLD, in addition to an appropriate supply, the team of speakers and the background music. Due to the complex requirement of the starting list for the final, the start had to be postponed for half an hour.

On Sunday, the national ranking run and the regional championship Jeschken are on the program in Jonsdorf. There will be live results as well as a join-in offer there as well.

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