Traditionally, the races for the SAXBO take place on German and Czech sides in challenging rocky terrain.
In 2023, the German championships over the sprint distance and a sprint relay were held in Zittau.
Zittau was first mentioned in writing in 1238. After very changeable centuries, a historic town centre with winding alleys and passages has been preserved to this day. The Lausitzer Neiße flows east of the city as a border river in the border triangle between Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. The Mandau also flows into this river, which, in addition to several streams, makes its way through the entire city. Various parks and green areas provide a high recreational value in the entire city area.
The Olbersdorfer lake greets on the way to Jonsdorf, deep in the Zittau mountains. Around the climatic health resort the most different bizarre rock formations kidnap into a completely own world. The Jonsdorfer Felsenstadt and the Nonnenfelsen are within reach from the gondola pond.